Governor Whitmer has issued a new Executive Order which now specifically enables individuals to drive to, and attend services at church. Following are the applicable excerpts from EO 2020-92, line 16 (I have put the specific relative statement in bold letters.)
- Nothing in this order should be taken to supersede another executive order or directive that is in effect, except to the extent this order imposes more stringent limitations on in-person work, activities, and interactions. Consistent with prior guidance, neither a place of religious worship nor its owner is subject to penalty under section 20 of this order for allowing religious worship at such place. No individual is subject to penalty under section 20 of this order for engaging in or traveling to engage in religious worship at a place of religious worship, or for violating section 15(a) of this order. (15.Rules governing face coverings. (a) Any individual able to medically tolerate a face covering must wear a covering over his or her nose and mouth—such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana, or handkerchief—when in any enclosed public space.)
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